Thank you for your interest in contributing your writing to our online community, Taking Route. We are a supportive community for expats around the globe, and we accomplish this goal through our personal stories and our shared experiences. At its core, we want this space to help others feel seen, understood, encouraged, and loved. Most importantly, we want our readers to believe, in the deepest part of their soul, they are not alone. We can't wait to read your article. As writers ourselves, we know firsthand the time, effort, and courage that goes into each submission. We are always respectful of your work, and thank you in advance for considering Taking Route a safe space for your words.
Before you submit…
Please make sure you have read our Submission Guidelines and reviewed our Style Guide. If you’d like, you can also download our free editing guide to help you craft your very best piece of writing. This is not required, but it will better the chances of your article being selected to be published.
Submission Process
Our submission window is currently closed. Please check back in May.