This Global Walk Outside | Day 9: Bhutan
Kuzoozangpo La (Hi!) from the beautiful Himalayan country of Bhutan. My name is Colleen and my family and I have been living here for what is about to be 8 years. I am working as a kindergarten and 1st grade teacher at a local school. My husband is a consultant for the cycling and trail building industry.
While we have lived in this space for about five years now, we first fell in love with the fact that it was very close to town, school, and trails, while still having an amazing view of the mountains surrounding us. It has an apple tree, cherry tree, and peach tree that bless us throughout the year.
When we originally moved in, there was not a huge apartment building being constructed that loomed over us. We have gotten used to that, and taken the opportunity to get creative with the space we have, realizing that it is a gem in a booming ‘city’ trying to grow.
Missing grilled food, we made a grill from a repurposed barrel and a rack from an old oven. Missing grass, we found a roll of turf at a hardware store. Missing rock climbing, we found unwanted wood scraps from the construction site, and made a climbing wall. Needing flower pots, we repurposed old tires. While it is a little bit hodgepodge, we love it! During those lockdowns, we also built bike obstacles and a very simple tree house. All of this was done with things we already had laying around, since shops weren’t open.
The original family who lived in this house, had permanent house-help who lived in a small closet in the kitchen. Behind the house was a bathroom and area for washing. It has become more of a storage and area for bike washing and kids water play. We also enjoy sitting around on our “grass” for lunch, afternoon snacks, or cook outs.
Bhutan is almost entirely made up of rural farmland. They grow rice mainly, but it seems like everyone loves having their own “kitchen garden” as they call it. When our friends come over, they always love the plants and trees that are in our space, even though we think it looks a bit wild. We have friends, who love our garden space so much, they have offered to come help us with the weeds!
With a rural to urban migration in full swing, this is now the only mountain we can fully see from our house, since buildings popped up all around us. The summer green against the blue sky is simply one of my favorite things.
This little patch of dirt has been a grace and blessing. During the pandemic, when I had to switch to teaching online, I was able to work in the garden more than I had before. We hang our hammock here, plant our zucchini, and enjoy chatting with neighbors and watching cows stroll by.
As our children have grown older, we came to appreciate having an area for them to run and play. When the pandemic hit, our country experienced very long lockdowns. That is when our outdoor space became even more special, as we were literally not allowed to leave our homes.
It’s not perfect, but it has become our “home” as much as we can have a place called home living abroad. The baby swing was made by a friend, the tire swing made from scraps during our first lockdown. Laundry hanging from the balcony can dry quickly in the Himalayan sun, I can’t imagine using a dryer again!
Our front door is more of a “side” door. It used to be much sunnier without a building so close, but still nothing makes me happier than this little “porch” being full of shoes (everyone takes their shoes off before going inside) and having friends over.
We are a family who loves bikes. My husband has made bike ramps, jumps, and games and we often have friends over to join in on the fun. “Bike limbo” is a family favorite.
And, in reflection as I’m writing this, I’m realizing that our yard is simply a reflection of who we are. So many different parts and pieces, influences and cultures, put together to makes something wonderful.