Community is Important!

Here at Taking Route, we want to be a supportive community for expats around the globe. We accomplish this goal through our personal stories and our shared experiences. At its core, we want this space to help others feel seen, understood, encouraged, and loved -- but most importantly, we want you to believe, in the deepest part of your soul, that you are not alone.

We’ve built our community so there’s something for everyone here. 

Instagram expat community

We like to keep things real over on Instagram. It’s always been a great place to relate to one another and build a sense of camaraderie with fellow expats around the globe. We also like to keep things light and funny – so our Instagram account is where you’ll find our homemade expat memes. 

facebook private group

There’s a private Facebook community you can be a part of simply by answering three questions. It’s not spammy and there aren’t any internet trolls. Therefore, It’s a safe place to ask your questions, get advice, or vent about some cultural struggles. You’re in good company there. No Judgey McJudgersons allowed.

The Traveling Academy

Finally, for expat families educating their TCKs, we realized there was so much information to share on the topic. So, we decided it deserved its own Instagram account. Thus, The Traveling Academy was born. It’s a collaborative account, with content about home school, local school, international school, as well as content about sending TCKs off to college.